Last Monday I went to the Alsace to buy some wine. It will be stored in the wine cellar of le Grand Soleil as soon as I have changed the lock of the cellar door.
No keys for that door right now, see. When I asked the former owner about this, he looked at me if I had just made a comment on his underwear. (…)
At Turckheim I knew what I wanted so I just started to collect some boxes. A man (from France) came to me. ‘You seem to be a connoisseur, can you help me with ….’
It always strikes me that if you only know just a little bit more about something, you can already commercialize (sell) that knowledge. It was certainly true in the times I sold software solutions for Disk@d. Then again, I hope it is not true for, for example brain surgeons (…)
Second stop was Baron Kirmann. I happen to know Philippe a little. But I only saw an older woman. ‘Is there someone that can help me,… you?‘. Mais oui, elle m’a dit. Je suis ‘someone’. It was maman Kirmann.
We had a fun conversation, with lots of tasting. She told me about the effect on the grapes of all the rain we have had in August. (Even in the Alsace.)
Lots of knowledge that was given to me for free. I will pass it on, also for free. As long as people book the wine tastings (..)
Vins d’Alsace op RTL4
9 jaar geleden
1 opmerking:
Hello Pieter, I think it must be fun to have a wine-tasting with you.You seem so enthousiastic and that is an extra value for money !!!!!!!! Hope to see you soon. Best regards, Bernie
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